The article The Art and Science of Aging Well has science-based information that is valuable for everyone. The author, Dr. Thomas Verny, is a clinical psychiatrist, academic, award-winning author, public speaker, poet and podcaster. He has written 8 books, including a global bestseller.
The introduction covers issues of aging and the widespread apprehension we have as we age. There are no surefire ways to avoid the processes and the affliction they may cause but there are scientifically supported lifestyle choices and measures that have been found to increase our chances to stay fit, healthy and happy to a ripe old age.
10 Factors of Control are described.
- A diverse diet
- Alcohol, coffee and chocolate
- Exercise
- Sleep
- Medical, dental and ophthalmic care
- Vitamins, supplements and probiotics
- Social connections
- Living environment
- Keep learning
- Willpower
Using the “Steps” in the article will help to enhance your life as you age. The Art and Science of Aging Well could be introduced to students, teachers, community partners and parents.
Mark E. Williams, MD uses the most current medical research. He takes a holistic approach (eg.The Wellness Wheel Model) revealing the multiple facets of old age and provides the resources for a happy and productive life. Dr. Williams gives a realistic portrait of how aging occurs and provides advice for self-improvement and philosophical, spiritual, and conscious evolution.